Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vote - It's the only way to stop the crazy

If you do nothing else between now and 7pm Tuesday, do this - VOTE.  It is no joke that the GOPTeaparty wants to repeal the 20th century. Labor laws, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, Childrens Health Insurance, Food and Drug Safety laws -- these are all in danger if the GOP gains control of the House or Senate.  Whatever issues you may have with the Democrats, they have tried to help their fellow Americans, while the GOP has left them to twist in the wind.

Let us all remember what 6 years of total GOP control gave us - 2 wars, trillions in deficits, violations of human and civil rights, torture of detainees and the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.  If you are not a rich white corporate male, are you sure the GOP will guarantee your equality under the law once elected?  (By the way, the correct answer is:  No, they won't.)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.The GOP has said for 30 years that tax cuts for the rich would trickle down and create jobs -- 5 people for every job available proves that to be a lie.  Why would anyone believe them this time?  And will we be able to fix the damage if you're wrong?

If you want a chance at the American Dream, Vote for the Democrats and Just Say NO to the GO(Tea)P.