Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend with Bernie - Educating Americans

If you don't understand why there's no "recovery" for the rest of us, watch a U.S. Senator explain it:

We - the other 90% of the population - need to come together to prevent the oligarchs from taking over our democracy and selling it for parts.  Senators Bennet and Udall - be more like Bernie if you want to keep your jobs (esp. Sen. Bennet, talk is cheap in your case, time to walk the walk).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Make the rich pay their fair share - everybody else is broke!

I really am wondering when the country is going to wake up to the cold, hard reality that Republicans don't care about their fellow Americans.  They can just be butt-hurt with Dubya.  By their deeds shall you know them; actions speak louder than words; do as I say, not as I do.......or something like that. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vote - It's the only way to stop the crazy

If you do nothing else between now and 7pm Tuesday, do this - VOTE.  It is no joke that the GOPTeaparty wants to repeal the 20th century. Labor laws, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, Childrens Health Insurance, Food and Drug Safety laws -- these are all in danger if the GOP gains control of the House or Senate.  Whatever issues you may have with the Democrats, they have tried to help their fellow Americans, while the GOP has left them to twist in the wind.

Let us all remember what 6 years of total GOP control gave us - 2 wars, trillions in deficits, violations of human and civil rights, torture of detainees and the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.  If you are not a rich white corporate male, are you sure the GOP will guarantee your equality under the law once elected?  (By the way, the correct answer is:  No, they won't.)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.The GOP has said for 30 years that tax cuts for the rich would trickle down and create jobs -- 5 people for every job available proves that to be a lie.  Why would anyone believe them this time?  And will we be able to fix the damage if you're wrong?

If you want a chance at the American Dream, Vote for the Democrats and Just Say NO to the GO(Tea)P.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Last Call for Sanity..........All Aboard!

We cannot call this anything other than what it is.

From Mirriam-Webster dictionary:
terror - 4 : violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands .

 We have seen reports all over the news and around the blogosphere today regarding vandalism at several Democratic offices and threats made against Democratic members of Congress. These threats are being made by teabaggers and Republicans because they don't like the fact that the political direction of this country has changed.

Republican leaders and their talk-radio brethren have whipped these constituents for the last 2 decades using every boogeyman in the book, misinforming them daily and deliberately stoking their fears and discomforts of all things different.  Now they have lost what remained of their tenuous grip on reality in addition to their self-control.

The Republican party must immediately repudiate these threats and acts of violence and distance itself from the inflammatory rhetoric which is giving rise to to a new generation of domestic terrorism in this country.

Republicans have one last chance to stop this, regain their sanity and rejoin the political discussion in a rational, logical, civilized manner.  If they refuse to do so, they will be the instruments of their own self-destruction. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Waterloo Eh?

To the Republicans I say - please run your 2010 campaigns on repealing healthcare reform.  You will find out that 2010 is not 1994, that Barack Obama is not Bill Clinton, and that the American people have begun to see you for what you really are - amoral, greedy, power-hungry, racist, sexist asshats.

After all the talk about them making healthcare Obama's Waterloo, the Rs made it their own. Unlike Napoleon, who admitted defeat after the battle, these heartless worms will be back to try again. They don't comprehend the fact that their base is diminishing, as are the old prejudices that they rely on to motivate said base.

The best thing Obama could do is put immigration reform front and center and let the Republicans do their worst. If they follow the same strategy they did with health care reform, they themselves will finish driving the nail into the coffin of the hateful monstrosity that is the modern GOP.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Geithner Wears Blinders for Wall Street, Crashes into Wall of Populist Anger

After reading Joshua Green's profile of Tim Geithner in the April Atlantic , I have to say I'm even less a fan of either him or the policies he's put in place as Treasury Secretary.  You really should read the whole piece, but it just reinforced my feeling that Timmeh is way too concerned about keeping Wall Street functional at the expense of both average Americans and the President's political agenda.

Regarding whether BofA chief Ken Lewis should be fired before the bank had a chance to pass stress tests & raise private capital to correct deficiencies he said:
“Are you going to solve the problem, or are you going to teach people a lesson? They’re in direct conflict.”

 Ummmmm, no Timmeh, they're not.  Apparently Geithner didn't learn a damn thing from watching all those other countries' economic crisis during the last 2 decades of his rise to fame.  IIRC, they prosecuted and jailed many of the businessmen, financiers and govt officials who helped precipitate the various calamities.  That's why we (used to) have LAWS prohibiting many (but clearly not all) of the things that Wall Street did to bring about this mess. Because we learned from the Great Depression..........or not.

Here's your lesson Timmeh:  If you just keep propping up the criminals (Wall Street) with taxpayer money every time there's a crisis (that they caused), without changing the rules under which they operate (government's JOB),  the criminals will have no incentive to change their behavior and will Keep Being Criminals.

Geithner must go.......the sooner the better.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not exactly the image you were going for.....

I don't care much about the Tiger Woods scandal, but I'd like to offer Tiger this bit of advice.  As someone who is trying to build your credibility back with the public, you probably don't want to hire a guy who was the mouthpiece for George W. Bush (the worst...president...ever) to be your PR rep. Really, was Ari Fleischer the best you could do?

Hypocrisy, thy name is (fill in the blank ) - R

Watching Countdown tonight, Lawrence was showing clips from the subcommittee hearing today regarding NTHSA's relationship with the major automakers. The current head of the agency got the job in Dec. '09 and yet he was asked about actions taken (or not taken) by the agency during the past decade.

Now, anyone with a functioning brain knows the Bush administration was not known, in Texas or in Washington D.C., for fierce enforcement of regulatory standards.....on ANYTHING.  This is after all, the George W. Bush who left his governorship with Texas the #1 state in: releasing airborne industrial toxins, vioating clean water discharge standards, releasing toxic waste into underground wells, and the list goes on. 

After 6 years with a compliant republican congress, Bush had taken those eye-poppingly low standards national.....with roughly the same results. The idea that GOP congress-critters now get to scream and verbally castigate people for not doing anything, when they have been trying for decades to keep others from enforcing anything, is simply laughable. Like blaming the current President for the trillions of dollars in debt that was actually created by REPUBLICANS before he even ran for the presidency.

I guess I just found it somewhat ironic that they were hounding this guy for answers.......about things that happened BEFORE HE GOT THE JOB!  Shall we place bets to see which GOP blowhard turns up on tv first, complaining how the witnesses were not as forthcoming or cooperative as they expected....hard to do unless you expect him to make something up just to give you an answer......oh I forgot, making stuff up by pulling it from your arse is a GOP specialty.

Friday, March 5, 2010

When your sentence starts with

"What we're doing is NOT McCarthyism", then what you're doing probably looks to most people like McCarthyism. As the old saying goes - When it looks like a duck, walks like a duck.....

Wow! Folks, that was Lynn Cheney on Wolf Blitzer's show yesterday, trying to defend a 30 second tv spot that questions the patriotism of lawyers who defended some of the Gitmo detainees and are now working for the DOJ.  This from a woman whose father is an admitted war criminal who should be prosecuted, rather than scheduled on talk shows.