Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hypocrisy, thy name is (fill in the blank ) - R

Watching Countdown tonight, Lawrence was showing clips from the subcommittee hearing today regarding NTHSA's relationship with the major automakers. The current head of the agency got the job in Dec. '09 and yet he was asked about actions taken (or not taken) by the agency during the past decade.

Now, anyone with a functioning brain knows the Bush administration was not known, in Texas or in Washington D.C., for fierce enforcement of regulatory standards.....on ANYTHING.  This is after all, the George W. Bush who left his governorship with Texas the #1 state in: releasing airborne industrial toxins, vioating clean water discharge standards, releasing toxic waste into underground wells, and the list goes on. 

After 6 years with a compliant republican congress, Bush had taken those eye-poppingly low standards national.....with roughly the same results. The idea that GOP congress-critters now get to scream and verbally castigate people for not doing anything, when they have been trying for decades to keep others from enforcing anything, is simply laughable. Like blaming the current President for the trillions of dollars in debt that was actually created by REPUBLICANS before he even ran for the presidency.

I guess I just found it somewhat ironic that they were hounding this guy for answers.......about things that happened BEFORE HE GOT THE JOB!  Shall we place bets to see which GOP blowhard turns up on tv first, complaining how the witnesses were not as forthcoming or cooperative as they expected....hard to do unless you expect him to make something up just to give you an answer......oh I forgot, making stuff up by pulling it from your arse is a GOP specialty.

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